Friday, April 27, 2007

We do not have to know how.

Alexander Graham Bell said, "What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists."

My mind can work wonders. Set a goal and your mind will give you answers on how to get there. I have relied on my husband to come up with our money making ideas. He is the idea man. Our goal is to make $2000 a month from home. Entropia will help us get there. We have been in gaming for over twenty years. This online game is designed with a real economy. With careful play, we will make money. We have given ourselves a year to get there. $2000 a month by a year from now. It will happen. We will get there. And it will be a fun ride.

1 comment:

Charles said...


I am wondering if you are the same George V. Schubel of Schubel & Son, a former play by mail (PBM) gaming company from a number of years back. I looked for an e-mail, but didn't see one for you.

My name is Charles, and I created a website focused upon the postal genre of gaming, and I was wondering if you would be receptive to doing an e-mail interview with me, if you are the very same George V. Schubel in question.

I never played any Schubel & Son PBM games. I started playing in 1986, if memory serves me correctly. My first PBM game was Hyborian War, by Reality Simulations, Inc..

My website is located at: http://PlayByMail.Net, and you can reach me at: GrimFinger@GrimFinger.Net, if you get opportunity and are so willing.

Thank you kindly, george,

- Charles -