Sunday, May 27, 2007

Create Your Own Future

Think it. Visualize it. Feel it. Live it. $50 a day. Some days we have made it already.

"Whatever you are thinking and feeling today is creating your future."

I believe we will make our goal of earning $50 a day. We are loving and happy. We will have a secure future. The emails come in saying I made sales today. My PayPal account is credited and increasing. My husband is a good writer. His price guides are selling well. We are bringing in money from a lot of sources. Our sales will continue to grow.

Monday, May 7, 2007


Our new goal is to make $50 a day. Once we reach this goal, we can raise it. It will feel good to reach a goal as we have had some knock backs recently. We came close yesterday, making $40. We will do it. "Your thoughts and feelings create your life." Feel it, believe it. Writing it here helps me believe. We enjoy our work and enjoy watching it grow. We will reach this goal soon.